CAD services : How We Communicate and Share Info

CAD Services How We Communicate and Share Info

Hi There,

Wondering how we’re going to work together and share document?

Well in short summary, it going to depend a lot on your preferences.

You’ll need to tell me whether you prefer online meetings, phones calls, work orders or e-mails to share information.

I can totally receive files from a number of platforms from PDM, to VPN, to OneDrive, Dropbox and others… Salesforce even, or similar.

For online meetings, you can book one at any time, on my real-time calendar here:

I also take Teams meetings, Skype online meetings, Whatsapp Phone calls, Zooms meetings or any other platform that you require, just let me know. During the meeting I take down notes, I may also take screen captures of critical key points for maximum understanding. (please do tell if you need a NDA signed)

Additionally, please note that internally I use Dropbox for sharing and storing of files.  Archived copies of files are placed on a stand-alone hard-drive and a redundant computer drive.


As well, I use “Asana” internally to outline task requirements, tweaks, notes or quality control issues and for scheduling and project management purposes.  No files/PDFs are posted on Asana, but sometimes screen caps with notes are posted.  I trust this is “okay” or please advise.

For the less critical day to day information or touching base, I can do phone calls, text messages, chat messages in Skype, Whatsapp or e-mails too.



CAD services : How We Communicate and Share Info

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